Rhode Island Pharmacists Association


Bowl of Hygeia

This award was established by the A.H. Robins Company, and now presented by APhA Foundation to honor pharmacists who have contributed to the progress of their community.  Criteria to include:
1.  Pharmacist licensed in the State of Rhode Island.
2.  Recipient must be living.
3.  Recipient must not be previous recipient of the award.
4.  Recipient must not be currently serving nor has he/she served, within the immediate past two years as an officer of the association in other than ex-officio capacity of its award committee.
5.  Recipient must have compiled an outstanding record of community service which, apart from his/her specific
identification as a pharmacist, reflects well on the profession.

Distinguished Young Pharmacist of the Year Award

The goal of Pharmacists Mutual Young Pharmacist of the Year Award is to encourage newer pharmacists to participate in association and community activities.  Criteria include:
1.  Entry degree in pharmacy received less than 9 years ago.
2.  Licensed to practice in the State of Rhode Island.
3.  Member of RIPA.
4.  Participation in national pharmacy associations, professional programs, and/or community service.

Guido L. Pettinicchio Award- RI Pharmacist of the Year

This award was established in honor of the former Rhode Island Chief of Pharmacy in the Division of Drug Control and the contributions he made to the profession of pharmacy in Rhode Island during his relatively short life span.  Criteria include:
1.  Licensed to practice in the State of Rhode Island.
2.  Member of RIPA.
3.  Recipient must have made contributions to the profession that signal he/she should be considered the outstanding
pharmacist of the year.

NASPA Excellence in Innovation Award sponsored by Upsher-Smith

This award is sponsored by Upsher-Smith to recognize pharmacists who have shown unusual and exemplary innovation in their practice setting.  Criteria include:

1.  Licensed to practice in the State of Rhode Island.
2.  Member of RIPA.
3.  Recipient has shown unusual and exemplary innovation in pharmacy practice.

RIPA Lifetime Achievement Award

Established in 2016 by the RI Pharmacists Association.  Criteria include:

1.  Sustained contributions to the profession of pharmacy and to the Rhode Island Pharmacists Association.  
2.  Active, retired or past member of RIPA and not a previous recipient of this award. 
3.  Licensed for at least forty (40) years with a track record of demonstrated support that has aided in the longevity of the Association.

RIPA Pharmacy Service Awards

1.  Sustained contribution of service or a singular outstanding contribution to the profession of pharmacy.
2.  The individual has not received a RIPA recognition award in the past.
3.  The individual may be a member or a non-member of RIPA.

Note: Service awards are presented in four categories:

1) Pharmacist  (2) Professional Non-Pharmacist  (3) Student (4) Resident/Fellow

Pharmacy Technician Practice Award

1.  Sustained contribution of service or a singular outstanding contribution to the profession of pharmacy.
2.  Member of RIPA.
3.  PTCB certified.
4.  Recipient must not be a previous recipient of this award. 

Rhode Island Pharmacists Association ∙ 1643 Warwick Ave PMB 113, Warwick, RI 02889 ∙ Phone: (401) 684-1874

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